Leadership Eau Claire™

Leadership Eau Claire

What It Is All About
Leadership Eau Claire™ (LEC) combines leadership skill building with community education. During the nine-month program, participants get a bird’s-eye view of the issues facing the community, begin developing the leadership skills necessary to assume leadership roles and are exposed to involvement opportunities in the community. Leadership Eau Claire™ is unlike other programs because it provides a catalyst for community vision and change – it builds a better tomorrow for all of us.

How the Program Works
Participants attend a two-day opening retreat, seven one-day sessions and a closing retreat over a nine-month period.

Leadership Eau Claire

The seven one-day sessions are held on the third or fourth Thursday each month from September through May from 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. No session is held in December. At the sessions, LEC alumni and local leaders provide information on the following topics:

Each session offers a hands-on experience and a unique opportunity to interact with community leaders.

Leadership Eau Claire

The program begins with an overnight retreat in northern Wisconsin where attendees participate in a number of networking and team-building activities designed to demonstrate the dynamics of effective leadership. It concludes with a closing retreat where participants give a presentation to other class members on their group projects.

What Participants Will Gain
Many graduates find that this training taps something in them that they didn’t know was there. Today, they are contributing to vital areas of the community including political roles, business, arts, social services and community civic organizations.

Participants will gain from Leadership Eau Claire™:

What Employers Will Gain
Many employers derive multiple benefits from their investment in Leadership Eau Claire™. Often the involvement of their employees in LEC paves the way for future cooperative efforts.

The valuable training benefits employers in many ways. Leadership Eau Claire™:

Upcoming Events
For upcoming Leadership Eau Claire™ events, please view the Calendar of Events